Coronavirus robocall scams are happening so watch out!

Recently I've been receiving so many robocalls it's driving me nuts! I tried blocking the numbers but they change every time and they've started calling me like every 15 minutes! As if everything surrounding COVID-19 hasn't been bad enough already, now we have to watch out for scams regarding it too! A Facebook friend of mine recently posted about a robocall we need to watch out for. They basically call saying that you've been in contact with someone who tested positive so you should take a test which they'll send right to your house. Sounds so convenient right, that is until they ask for your credit card information. I really hope people don't fall for this but I imagine they'll get some people so sharing this in hopes of helping at least a few people out. Although the Facebook friend that posted this didn't receive a call herself, just shared this from a friend, I figure it's better more people know about it just in case. The FCC has lots of helpful information regarding COVID-19 consumer scams which you can read more about here. Be careful

Thumbnail image: Getty

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