A Wisconsinite's dream job does exist!

What do us Wisconsinites love and know a lot about? Cheese of course and now there's a perfect job for a cheese and snack lover. Tip Hero posted that the CEO of Whisps (the company that makes the cheese crisps) is looking for another CEO, Cheese Executive Officer. She wrote "my whole life I've dreamed for a job that would pay me to eat cheese. So excited to pass along my dream to you. This will no doubt be a fun and delicious competition. Looking forward to seeing your applications and welcoming our new expert taster."

You don't need to be an expert to apply. Part of the job includes training from an artisan cheesemonger as well as monthly quality tests, brainstorm sessions for new products and evaluating new cheese flavors. Don't worry, you of course get FREE Whisps Crisps! As you can imagine you won't be applying for this job with just your resume and cover letter though. Find out how the application process works and what questions you'll need to answer at TipHero.com. They're accepting applications now through July 25, 2020. Send me some free snacks if you get it please!

Thumbnail image: Getty

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