Ah, Mr. T. At the height of his fame while playing B.A. Baracus on The A Team, boxer Clubber Lang in the movie Rocky III, and pitying fools everywhere, the man born Lawrence Tureaud - who legally changed his name to Mr. T in 1970 - released a video to salute mothers (not muthas, not mothers) everywhere.
In 1984, Mr. T made a motivational video targeted to kids and teens called Be Somebody... Or Be Somebody's Fool! Chock full of positive messages about reading, creativity, handling frustration and peer pressure, friendship and more, the video features a series of skits and songs. One song, a rap that Ice-T reportedly wrote, was called "Treat Your Mother Right (Treat Her Right)." Mr. T raps the lyrics over a rather - shall we say rudimentary - beat with background singers about respecting mothers. The song, while nice, isn't exactly slick and the video starts off hilariously cheesy with two kids squaring off on insults to each other, which apparently is fine until they bring the mothers into it (not unlike the scene in Anchorman). But you know what? It's a quality message in the ends, and moms everywhere deserve accolades on this Mother's Day. And who better to inspire that than Mr. T?? See the video here or below:

Happy Mother's Day to ALL the moms out there!