Learn to play from Brian May: Queen's guitarist offers online tutorials

Brian May is a fascinating guy. He's an astrophysicist and lead guitarist for Queen; that's a combo you just can't make up. They were supposed to be on tour now, but the Queen+Adam Lambert European tour has been postponed until next May, June and July.

So, along with probably doing math calculations (May earned his PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College London in 2007 and was a "science team collaborator" with NASA's New Horizons Pluto mission), what do you think he's up to? Well, doing online guitar tutorials, of course! How cool is that?

He's done a number of songs already - calling them "microconcerts," and microconcert #9 is the John Lennon-penned Beatles song "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" from the album Help! May said he chose it because it's an "easy song to pick up the rhythm guitar part for." He also noted he's lost track of what day it is. Join the club!

Check out his latest tutorial below, and follow him on YouTube if you want to see more!

Photo credit: Getty images

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