At home learning ideas for your kids

I know a lot of parents are having a hard time with their kids being home instead of at school. They might be worried they're going to miss out on so much learning but that doesn't need to be the case. Maybe for your job you're not an actual teacher but you're their parent so you have the ability to teach them so much more! I saw someone post about using this situation to teach them about more than just math, science, etc. so that inspired me to create this blog. Below are things I've seen other people post about how to keep your kids learning while at home during this time. My personal favorite is the first one. I didn't have those "home ec" or "shop" classes so everything I know now about cooking, money management, checking the oil in my car, I learned from my parents. Take this opportunity to teach your kids about what we now like to call "adulting." Teach them about being a good person and being kind. These are some of the most valuable lessons your child could ever learn. There are some actual home schooling links as well because math, science, reading and writing are all really important too. :)

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