Make It Through Monday - Whole plane surprises new parents with baby shower

Bringing home your new baby for the first time is always a special moment but an entire Southwest Airlines flight made it even more special for Dustin and Caren Moore. After nine years of trying to have a baby, they were flying home to California from Colorado with their newly adopted daughter and the entire flight basically threw them an impromptu baby shower. A flight attendant announced the newborn's arrival on the intercom and all the passengers erupted in cheers and applause. The flight attendant also asked passengers to share words of wisdom for the first-time parents so Dustin and Caren received about 60 napkins with messages of support they ended up saving in a scrapbook. One of the messages in particular was extra special. It came from someone who had been adopted 64 years ago and mentioned that "us adopted kids need extra love."

It had been a difficult week for Dustin and Caren so he decided to share this story on Twitter in hopes to uplift someone else going through a tough week. This story brought tears of joy to my eyes while reading it so I in turn am sharing with you for my Make It Through Monday moment in hopes to lift your spirits as well. You can read more about Dustin and Caren's story from

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