A Christmas Carol - The perfect Milwaukee tradition

As Hannah Claus I'm usually the one giving away the free goodies but this time I was on the receiving end of a wonderful gift: a pair of tickets to The Milwaukee Rep's production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL. First of all I'm almost embarrassed to admit I had never been to the show before and second of all I'm bummed I didn't attend earlier. I can't believe what I've been missing all these years. My Mom and I went and the first thing we both mentioned at the end of the show was how we'd forgotten how much we really enjoyed the story line and message. It's such a beautiful story with a message that we need to be reminded of much more often. Especially this time of year when we get caught up in gift giving, spending money, etc. Just in case you're not familiar with the show it's a tale of love, hope and redemption and reminds us that there are much more important things in life than money and material items. It reminds us of the real reason for this season.

Takeaway number one was the beautiful story line. Takeaway number two was the amazing set. I was blown away with how beautifully put together the set was. The people behind the scenes do not get enough credit. They built this entire town that rotated and looked so real! The city wasn't just one straight backdrop but layers from front to back as well as very different heights making the stage look so full and created so much depth. I can't imagine how much work that must have been. The set, costumes, scenery, really everything was very well done and I have much appreciation for that as it really added to the show.

My final takeaway from A CHRISTMAS CAROL is the long standing Milwaukee Holiday Tradition it has become. I'm sure there are many people like me who are seeing the show for the very first time but there are others that have seen the show many times and continue to go. This year was the 44th year for the show and after finally seeing it I understand how it has become a holiday tradition for many. Obviously the main story line doesn't change but I asked a few people who have been going for years and they mentioned that The Rep does a great job with making it a little different each year. Maybe the characters are changed a bit or they use different music but of course there are always surprises. For me there was a big surprise during the show which I don't want to give away but I thought it was really cool. Maybe it's something they do each year or maybe it was new but I loved it! It made you really feel part of the show, like you were really there. That's another thing they do well. Get the audience involved so you feel part of the show. It's not too much where it becomes annoying though. I've seen that in shows and I don't love it. This was just a little involvement that I felt worked really well.

I'm so very grateful I had the opportunity to attend the show this year and in such great seats! Truthfully there's not a bad seat in the house at the Historic Pabst Theater though. Whether you attend every year or are hoping to make this year the first of many I highly recommend you see The Milwaukee Rep's production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL at the Historic Pabst Theater. It will be worth every penny and every minute of your time. In fact, I want you to see it so badly that I'm giving you the chance to win tickets! All this week through Friday, 12/6 make sure you're listing to 95.7 BIG FM around 4:30pm as I'm giving away a pair of ticket vouchers each day so you can see the show for yourself! If you'd like to purchase tickets you can click here. The show runs through December 24, 2019.

Here are some pictures from when my Mom and I went. You can see more pictures on The Milwaukee Rep's website here.

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