Uff Da! We hit Norskedalen near La Crosse, next on Discover Wisconsin.

"Norskedalen" means "Norwegian Valley," and the Coulee Region of Wisconsin near La Crosse was a big draw for settlers from Norway in the 19th century. Today, the Norwegian heritage gets celebrated amidst the natural beauty of the coulees, valleys, and bluffs in the state's Driftless Area - one of the most beautiful parts of the country, in my opinion.

On the episode of Discover Wisconsin we showed this weekend, Mariah and I checked out this gorgeous place. We explored the historic structures, including a church, original homes, a blacksmith shop, and more. We walked the trails, attended events, and talked with people who work there and bring what the 19th century Norwegian immigrants dealt with on a daily basis. You can even stay overnight at Norskedalen, at a place called the Paulsen Cabin. Seriously! And no, as far as I know, I'm not related to that Paulsen.

Norskedalen is a few miles north of U.S. 14/61 near Coon Valley, or south of Highway 162. Just follow County Road PI to find it!

Check out the episode here, or stream it below!

Norskedalen features plenty of beautiful nature trails
A beautiful church at Norskedalen; weddings and other events can be held here

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