Legendary movie lines...that we NOT scripted!

If you know me, you know one of my favorite films is Gene Wilder's Will Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (No, not the Johnny Depp one). It turns out, one of my favorite scenes in that movie is totally improvised. The very first scene we see Willy emerge from the factory and drops his cane and "falls" into a front tuck-and-roll (video below of course) was not in the script. Gene wanted to give Willy a bit more mystery, saying, "from that time on, no one will know if I’m lying or telling the truth".

Believe it or not, none of these iconic lines below were NOT scripted, but we can't imagine these films without them! (Careful, the Goodfellas one is not safe for work or kiddos).

Yep, "People call me Forrest Gump" was not actually in the script. Check out a bunch more by CLICKING HERE.

Photo: Getty

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