A new "D-League" Team in Oshkosh: Let's Name 'Em!

As reported in the BizTimes, the Milwaukee Bucks are announcing a new NBA "D League" - meaning "Development League" team (similar to the minor leagues in baseball) for Oshkosh, which beat out La Crosse, Racine, Sheboygan, and more for consideration.

Oshkosh is known for a lot of things and that could contribute to the team's name, since all the good teams' names should have something to do with their location - which is why the Utah Jazz makes no sense, for example.

So what would be a good team name for Oshkosh to represent the city? The Oshkosh B'Goshs? The Oshkosh Overalls? The Oshkosh Trucks? The Oshkosh Butte des Morts Bridges? The Oshkosh College Drinkers? Feel free to chime in or add a suggestion!

(Photo courtesy of the BizTimes)

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